Religious Education
Religious Education for Children
The RE program for children under 15 years of age meets at 10:45 AM concurrent with the Sunday morning service. Children begin in the sanctuary, staying through the “Story for All Ages” then move to the RE Classroom. Older young people will remain with the adult service.
Current Happenings in Children’s RE
Notes from Kids’ RE – Sue Bailey
The RE kids have been busy learning about a variety of creation stories and comparing and contrasting them. Look around the church for many of the projects the kids have made to represent these stories. We are currently working on great flood stories from the Bible and other faith traditions and mythology. The kids’ group Ark project is on display at the back of the sanctuary. Our most recent lesson introduced us to Pandora and her box which we compared with the Bible story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. If you would like to help in RE, please talk with Sue Bailey and sign up on the volunteer sheet. We look forward to having you join us in RE!